Oct 24, 2010

Quitting WoW

Life has gotten way too busy. There's no way I can keep playing, I will not be updating this anymore unless I find enough free time to come back to the game.

Happy Shredding!

Oct 14, 2010

4.0 Changes: The New Guide at level 80

So 4.0.X finally dropped and feral dps is in the crapper. When I get some free time I'll sit down and write up how we can not suck quite as bad.

Happy Shredding!

Oct 6, 2010

4.0 Class Changes

It won't be long at all till 4.0 drops. In fact, it will probably be next week. The guide and many of the things on Happy Shredding will be out of date. Please be patient as we figure everything out. Its not going to be quick.

Feral DPS on the PTR is not even raid viable. If the patch really comes out next week and feral hasn't been fixed, we will likely be worthless. The reason for this is because our two best stats, ArP and FAP (Feral Attack Power) are being removed from the game. While ArP is being replaced by crit rating, FAP is not being replaced. I'm not sure how blizzard intends to balance this, but if they don't it will be dark times for our spec.

Happy Shredding!